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Here's everything you need to...

Run a Successful
5-Day Jumpstart

Get done-for-you, time-tested materials to create, launch and sell your very own 5-day program...from a health coach with 13 years of experience in private practice. Skip the stress of figuring it out all by yourself!


Here’s everything you need to...

Run a Successful 5-Day Jumpstart

Get done-for-you, time-tested materials to create, launch and sell your very own 5-day program...from a health coach with 13 years of experience in private practice. Skip the stress of figuring it out all by yourself!


You love the idea of running a 5-Day Jumpstart… but the overwhelm is real.

I get it – the idea of a easy, accessible offer gets you fired up. (It feels soooo much easier to sell a $99 program than $2000 worth of private coaching!) But the more you think about it, the more work a tiny program seems to be:

  • You don’t know how to get signups (or enough of them to make your efforts worthwhile)...
  • Or how to structure it to get your participants a quick win that’ll get them hooked.
  • And what about all the materials you’ll need to pull it off seamlessly - Emails? PDFs? Marketing? Oh my.

​​I stumbled through all of this in my own health coaching practice, so I know exactly how overwhelming it can feel. And frankly...

It took awhile to figure everything out.

Back when I started my health coaching practice in 2009, I quickly realized not everyone was ready for private coaching. This made it insanely hard to fill my practice.

So I started offering short, easy, bite-sized programs for less than $100 instead. Suddenly I had 20, 30...even 80 clients at a time.

But it took years to figure out all the bits and pieces and create programs that actually worked – for my clients AND my business goals.

The truth is, it’s not just about the 5-day program, but how to fill it with enthusiastic participants who get results, become raving fans and invite their friends next time.

And after running countless mini programs over the last 14 years, I realized my most successful ones always followed the same structure.

That’s why I decided to do something I’ve never done before (woohoo!)…

Something that’ll help you change more lives and make a bigger impact – without getting dragged down by nitty gritty details.


Healthy Profit University’s 5-Day Jumpstart Kit

For the first time, I’m offering a 100% done-for-you kit to make your first (or next) successful 5-Day Jumpstart a breeze.

Get all the materials you need to easily and quickly create a program that gets participants results fast...be so excited that they can’t wait to join your next round, or become a private client.

You can use my Jumpstart Kit as-is to get up and running in minutes…

Or customize the heck out of and create a unique program to offer this January. (Right when everyone’s looking to get healthier, right? Nice timing!)

The Jumpstart Kit is 100% editable so it works for any niche or specialty area. Call it a 5-day “reset” or a “detox” or “gluten-free immersion”...it’s totally up to you.

But the best part is: you’ll skip having to figure out what to do, what to say, or how to sell it.

You could have your first 5-Day Jumpstart ready to rock as early as next week. Whoa!

Your 5-Day Jumpstart Kit includes:

1. All the (done-for-you) materials you need to create, launch and run your very own Jumpstart

Stop feeling stuck with what to say to your clients, in your social posts, emails or kickoff call. I’ll give you the time-tested materials I’ve used in my most successful programs, including…

  • A clearly laid-out Jumpstart guide so clients know exactly what steps to follow.
  • Meal planning ideas and multiple ways to share third-party recipes without copyright infringement.
  • My proven promotion and event calendar to catch your client’s eye and have them enroll right away.
  • Pricing and payment tutorials to make it easy for your clients to sign up.
  • Pre-written (and fully editable) emails, social posts and scripts to promote your Jumpstart and keep participants excited and engaged throughout your 5-day program
  • Simple, offline promotion ideas that work even if you don't have a mailing list or social media following.
  • All my best techniques for collecting testimonials, upselling coaching packages and tracking income earned. This is exactly how I run my own programs!

Use my Jumpstart materials as-is to get started in minutes. Or, do as much editing/customization as you like to our Canva and Google Doc templates. (We'll even show you how.)


Step-By-Step Video Trainings

Know exactly what to do every step of the way – from customizing your jumpstart to promoting it on social media…

I’ll take you by the hand and explain everything in painstaking detail so you know exactly what to do when launching your first 5-day program.

(I’ll also tell you what you should steer clear of – that’s even better!)


Strategies to Earn More While Charging Less

See, a Jumpstart for your clients’ health becomes a jumpstart for your coaching business, too. I'm talking about exponential ROI.

You’ll get the most from your efforts when you upsell participants to post-Jumpstart add-on packages or even private coaching.

Plus, with my techniques to gather FOMO-creating testimonials and case studies, one success will fuel your next.


Proven Ways To Sell Your Program on Repeat

Just because you’ve built it doesn’t mean they’ll come.

That’s why I’ll share my most effective ways to promote and sell out your 5-Day Jumpstart – including a timeline you can follow, step by step.

And while it helps if you already have a mailing list, you can absolutely sell out your Jumpstart without one. I'll show you how.

Gain visibility, create raving fans and add an additional income stream to your practice.

1000’s of Health Coaches Around the World Say We Know Our Stuff

“Michelle, you should be Webster's definition on teaching a man to fish. You really break everything down and make it easy for us."

- Krista Schieffer

"I launched my program last night and it was THE best response ever. If you use the materials, action plans and resources provided, and are devoted to putting what you learn into practice, you will see success."

- Patti Garland

"I’ve taken a couple of Michelle’s courses and I love the way she teaches and has everything mapped out. And I love how real she is. She gives us the blueprint."

-Shawne Johnson

"Michelle's so likable and makes things fun. There are many business building programs, but honestly, some of the people offering them aren’t who I’d want to be hanging out with. These days? I’m so busy, booking new clients every day."

- Lisa Paladino

"What I like so much about Michelle is that she is so practical. The recommendations she gives are easy to understand and implement. She knows what we need as health coaches."

- Katya Alvarez

"Everything from the first day was completely actionable. I've learned a repeatable process that works and can be used over and over as my business continues to grow."

- Marilyn Clark

Hi, I'm Michelle

Who knew that offering tiny, bite-sized programs would be the secret sauce to growing my health coaching business from the ground up?

They allowed me to impact more lives and bring 1000's of extra dollars to my business bank account each year.

I’ve been running successful online programs since 2010.

And since 2017, I’ve helped health coaches take the guesswork out of running a successful online practice.

Now, for the first time, I’m offering a completely done-for-you 5-Day Jumpstart package…

Where I’ll share my powerful, time-tested program so YOU can create raving fans who want to immediately reserve their seat for your next, or become private clients.


This is a limited, one-time only offer…

My goal is to help you create momentum and add an additional income stream to your practice without spending a ton of money up front. That’s why my 5-Day Jumpstart Kit will eventually sell for $599.

But when you sign up as a founding member before December 7th, you’ll get lifetime access to the entire thing for just $299. (It pays for itself when you sell just 3 spots.)

$599 Just $299


And don’t miss these founding member bonuses:

Since it’s the first time I’m offering a 100% done-for-you program, I want to sweeten the deal. Join as a founding member by December 7th and you’ll also get:

LIVE Launch Your Program Workshop

A comprehensive workshop jam-packed with advanced launch strategies to increase the number of enrollments in your Jumpstart…

Or any other offer in your health coaching practice. Read that again! Sooo very useful.
(Value: $399)

Our Private HPU Community

Join our exclusive community of action-taking coaches to exchange ideas and get support when you’re feeling stuck.

It’s the best place on the internet to ask for help with your health coaching business and get personal feedback from me and my team.
(Value: priceless)

You'll be backed by our 365-day money back guarantee

The 5-Day Jumpstart Kit is a practical, step-by-step kit for health coaches who want to create momentum and add an additional income stream through a small, bite-sized offer. It comes with all the materials you need to create, launch and run your own 5-day program within a few days. By the end of 365 days, you’ll have had the opportunity to run at least 4 of your own jumpstarts BEFORE making a final decision about the 5-Day Jumpstart Kit.

But there is one catch. You have to prove to me that you did the work. And the reason is simple: Nothing works if you don't do the work.

People confuse acquiring with accomplishing. They'll buy a program and think they're taking action. But days later, after they've barely logged into the account, they're asking for a refund, telling themselves it didn't work.

So here's the deal I'm making with you right now…

I’m promising you the most efficient and effective way to create and sell your very own low-ticket, bite-sized offer that’ll help you create momentum with your practice – and might even help you secure your next private coaching client. But you need to have skin in the game, too. You have to show up and do the work. And if you're not willing to, you'll be wasting both our time.

So, if you’ve run at least 4 Jumpstarts following the structure we teach in the 5-Day Jumpstart Kit over the next 365 days and haven’t at least recouped your investment with it...

Simply reach out, show us you’ve put in the work, and we’ll refund your investment. Full details here >>>

Launch your 5-Day Jumpstart in a matter of weeks (or days!)

Get the 5-Day Jumpstart Kit at a special, one-time-only price and start 2024 with a bite-sized program that creates raving fans for life.

Just $299



If you don’t see an answer here, email support@healthcoachpower.com.

Q: Sooo… what’s included?
The 5-Day Jumpstart Kit includes everything you need to plan, launch and run your own Jumpstart program.

It contains step-by-step video trainings and fully customizable materials you can use as-is or make your own. Our templates are made with Canva and Google Docs, so you don’t need to spend $$$$ for extra tools or software to use them. It’s the exact set of materials and planning tools Michelle has used for countless of her own programs.

Q: What happens after I buy?
After you decide to go for it, you’ll be taken to a secure order form where you’re asked to provide some basic information, including your payment details. After successfully processing your order, you’ll get immediate access to the 5-Day Jumpstart Kit and your founding member bonuses. Dig in and get ready to launch your Jumpstart within days.

Q: But I don’t even know what my 5-Day Jumpstart would be about…
No worries. You can use the exact program Michelle's used successfully with her own clients, or customize it however you like. The trainings cover how to outline your program, sell it and run it.

Q: Can I really use your templates as-is without getting into any trouble?
Every template that is included in the Jumpstart Kit can be used as-is. And they work as-is. But I’d advise trying to customize them a little so they work even better for you and your audience.

(I’ll show you how to do that, too.)

Q: How long will I get access to all of this?
You get lifetime access to everything. The means you can run your Jumpstarts as many times as you want…for as long as you want. And make use of our private HPU Facebook group for support along the way.

Q: So, is this a training? Or a done-for-you product?
It’s both. This is a done-for-you product, with immediate access to all the templates and tools you need to put together your first Jumpstart. Plus, training videos to walk you through each step. AND a live, Launch Your Program workshop as part of our founding members bonus package.

Q: Will you also help me find clients for my Jumpstart program?
Yup. In fact, I’ll share some of my best client-getting strategies that work regardless of whether you have a mailing list or not. (And if you join by 12/7, you’ll get access to some preeettty advanced launch tactics inside our bonus Launch Your Program workshop.)

Q: Okay…but how quickly can I have it up and running?
If you want to launch your first jumpstart fast by using everything we give you as-is, you can start promoting your program by…tomorrow.

If you want do a little more customization (which I recommend) you should be good to go in about 7 days.

Q: Do I have to go live on Zoom every day of my Jumpstart?
Nope. It's not even recommended.

Q: Do I have to use Facebook? What if my business isn't on social media?
The Kit contains lots of promotion ideas that don't rely on social media, so that's totally fine. And you can run your group with any online forum platform you like.

Q: Will you help me when I get stuck?
You betcha. You’ll get access to our exclusive HPU community where 800+ other health coaches are happy to connect, help out and share their own experiences.

Plus, my team and I will make sure you get all your questions answered within 24-48 hours (Heads up: expect a personal video from yours truly every now and then.)

Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?
Yes. Get all the details here >>

Get the YES with an easy, bite-sized offer

Get the 5-Day Jumpstart Kit at a special, one-time-only price and start 2024 with a bite-sized program that helps you reach more clients and impact more lives than ever before.

Just $299