••• NBHWC approved for 3 CE credits •••


Get Your Website Done Right

Create a site you love without wasting time or money.

I’ll help you build a website that converts visitors to clients – just like the pros do it! Whether you're hiring out or building yourself, plan it out alongside an experienced health coach with 20+ years of website design and online marketing experience.



Get Your Website Done Right

Create a site you love without wasting time or money.

I’ll help you build a website that converts visitors to clients – just like the pros do it! Whether you're hiring out or building yourself, plan it out alongside an experienced health coach with 20+ years of website design and online marketing experience.

Don't have a health coach website yet?

Maybe you're not sure what to put on it, or what platform to use. It feels overwhelming – and you don't want to spend a bundle at this stage of the game. Who has time to figure it all out from scratch?

Or, maybe you have a site...but it's not working for you.

You might feel like your site doesn't quite reflect who you are or what your coaching practice is all about. And you're not getting traffic or signing clients through it, that's for sure. You'd love to make some updates but you're hesitant to invest in another web designer.

Top 6 Problems with Health Coach Websites

After reviewing over 50 real websites from health coaches in our community, here are the top 6 most common issues to avoid...

I've seen too many coaches waste time, energy and money on their website. So here's a roadmap to help...


Your Website Done Right Workshop

You'll feel confident planning your site alongside an experienced health coach with 20+ years of website and online marketing experience (<-- that's me!) and have some fun along the way.

Here's the plan: We'll map out a blueprint so you know exactly what you're building, what elements go where and which platform to use.

It's like going to the grocery store with a meal plan and shopping list for the week. It's faster, easier and less expensive than wandering around, right?

(No wonder website pros start every project this way.)

And if you're working with a web developer, this blueprint will communicate your exact needs so they aren't guessing and YOU get what you really want.

By the end of the workshop, you'll have a customized blueprint and feel ready to build a new site or optimize your existing site – whether you're doing it yourself or hiring a designer to help.

Your website blueprint will include:

A complete, customized sitemap so you know exactly what pages go where (like an architect's plan for a house!) Plus, my recommendations for a website platform.

Writing your website copy will feel easy with a fill-in-the-blanks content outline for each page. What a relief, eh? Here's a hint: Less is more.

My tried-and-true client generation strategy to encourage site visitors to take the next step towards working with you. (That's the goal, right?)

You probably get hung up deciding on colors or designing a logo...what a time suck! We'll figure it out and make your site beautiful with customized website design guidelines.

And how about those CE credits??

With more and more health coaches becoming certified by the NBHWC, we heard your request to earn CE credits with our courses. We're pleased to offer 3 CE credits to all NBHWC-certified coaches completing our Your Website Done Right workshop.

Here's what coaches have to say...

"I knew nothing about websites. Now I have my very own!"

"Practical – and exactly what we need as health coaches"

"Michelle made it simple and accessible"

Hi, I'm Michelle

I bet you went to school to become a health coach – not a web designer. (Two very different things, right?)

Oddly enough, I did both. My first career was in Big Advertising where I created websites for organizations like Royal Caribbean, Ocean Spray and the Boy Scouts.

Over the past 14 years as a certified health coach, I've worked with thousands of clients around the world and have been seen on ABC, NBC, NPR and in the curriculum at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

In 2017, I founded Healthy Profit University. And now, for the first time, we're offering our brand new Your Website, Done Right Workshop. Hope to see you there!

You'll be backed by a 365-day money back guarantee

The Your Website Done Right Workshop is a practical, step-by-step guide for health coaches who are excited to build or update their own site – or hire a designer/developer. By the end of 365 days, you’ll have had the opportunity to take your website plan and turn it into a fully published website BEFORE making a final decision about HPU's Your Website Done Right Workshop.  

But there is one catch. You have to prove to me that you did the work. And the reason is simple:

Nothing works if you don't do the work.

People confuse acquiring with accomplishing. They'll buy a program and think they're taking action. But days later, after they've barely logged into the account, they're asking for a refund telling themselves it didn't work.

So here's the deal I'm making with you right now...

I'm promising you the most efficient, smartest path to the health coaching website you've always wanted. But you have skin in the game too. You have to show up and do the work. And if you're not willing to, you'll be wasting both our time.

If you don't walk away with a clear plan of action...

If you're not looking at your website project with a whole new feeling of confidence...

Simply reach out, show us you’ve put in the work, and we’ll refund your investment. Full details here >>




Don't miss this special, one time only pricing!


So...this is a workshop to build my website?
Not exactly. Rather than jumping into the technical setup, this workshop will help you create an all-important blueprint to work from. (Just like an architect draws up plan before the construction crew gets going!) The result will be a website you love that's easier, faster and less expensive to build.

Who is going to build my site then? I'm not very tech-savvy.
Some coaches might build their own site (and we'll give recommendations for platforms!) Others will hire a designer/developer – and communicating what you want will be seamless when you hand over the blueprint you've developed during the workshop. Because you'll be less likely to need costly revisions, you'll save money and get better results with whoever you hire.

I'm super indecisive about colors, fonts and formatting. Will this workshop help me decide what I like?
You bet. Your blueprint will include customizable website design guidelines. (And I have some fun ways of helping you make those difficult decisions!)

Will you tell me what kind of content I should include on my website?
Yep! Every health coaching business is different, of course. But I'll give you general guidelines and best practices to follow.

Will you cover SEO?
A little. While we won't get into the nerdy details, SEO strategy will be baked into your entire website plan.

I want to have a blog on my website. Will you teach us how to make one?
That's awesome that you're already thinking about what you want on your website! We'll talk about web content, including blogging, as possibilities for you. Please note: This is not a workshop about blogging in particular.

I thought I didn't need a website to find clients?
You don't. But you probably want one, and if you're early in your health coaching practice I'll give you a strategy for putting up a bare-bones web presence now....that you can add onto later.

Will there be any support after the workshop, while my site actually gets built?
There is an option to join Michelle live for weekly mentorship calls and discuss your site. Email support@healthcoachpower.com for details.