Free blueprint from Michelle Leotta, health coach since 2009 and creator of Healthy Profit University...

How To Charge Less, Earn More

...and make a bigger impact.


You got into this field to help people – so why let pricing keep so many from getting the help they need? Here's how you can offer a low priced mini-program that benefits your business, builds your confidence and impacts more lives.

Free blueprint from Michelle Leotta, health coach since 2009 and creator of Healthy Profit University...

How To Charge Less, Earn More

...and make a bigger impact.

You got into this field to help people – so why let pricing keep so many from getting the help they need? Here's how you can offer a low priced mini-program that benefits your business, builds your confidence and impacts more lives.

Adding a low-price program to your practice will allow you to...

Impact more lives with an easy, accessible program.

Hey, not everyone wants or is ready for private coaching. A low priced mini-program is an easier way to find more clients. (And this format works for every niche, or no niche at all!)

Quickly add an income stream to your practice.

Smaller, lower priced programs are easy to create and launch into the world – especially when you're following my free blueprint. It even includes a simple marketing plan to get you started.

Always have something to invite people to.

If you find yourself trying to explain what a health coach is, you're having the wrong conversation. Instead, invite anyone interested to see for themselves by joining your next mini-program.

Sounds like a good idea, huh? I'll show you how it's done.

Here's why health coaches FLOCKING to this idea...

Lil' note from Michelle…

When I started my health coaching business in 2009, I was lucky to find some private clients. But not everyone wanted private coaching – even if they were interested in improving their health.

So I started offering short, easy, accessible programs that allowed me to impact more lives, create raving fans all over the world and bring 1000's of extra dollars into my business bank account each year.

Whether you’re a brand new coach like I was, or have a bunch of experience under your belt, I can’t wait to show you how to run a low-priced program like my 5 Day Jumpstart.

If you haven’t already, click here to get the free blueprint.

Can’t wait to hear how it works for you!
