Feel confident in your ability to change lives

I’ll show you the mechanics (and art) of powerful health coaching. You’ll finally feel ready to help clients in a meaningful way and stay within your scope of practice – with guidance from an experienced coach who’s worked with clients on 6 continents over 15 years.


Feel confident in your ability to change lives

I’ll show you the mechanics (and art) of powerful health coaching. You’ll finally feel ready to help clients in a meaningful way and stay within your scope of practice – with guidance from an experienced coach who’s worked with clients on 6 continents over 15 years.

• • • NBHWC approved for 6 CE credits • • •

When imposter syndrome kicks into overdrive you start worrying…

"What if I have no idea what to talk about during a coaching session?"

What if my client doesn’t reach their goal?"

"What happens if they make no progress at all?"

They might realize I’m new at this and don’t know what the heck I’m doing. Eek."

But with the right coaching skills, you’ll always know what to focus on so your clients walk away with major a-ha moments (and results.)

If you aren’t feeling confident in your role as a coach, it’s no wonder clients aren’t flocking to you.

They can feel those hesitant vibes.

But it’s not your fault…

  • Your certification program taught you a few things but you graduated with far too little experience to feel like you can hit the ground running.
  • Coaching isn’t a single, concrete skill. It’s an art that needs to be practiced – like playing the piano.
  • And everywhere you turn, it feels like the Scope of Practice police are ready to pounce. (The truth is, health coaches can easily help with nutrition topics while staying within our scope. Whew!)

Self doubt has been keeping you away from the clients you need to develop your coaching technique – and grow your business. Let’s fix that.

It’s time to develop the skills that bring more clients to your door if…

You’re still in school and feeling terrified of working with your first clients.

Listen, no one is born as a naturally talented health coach. Now is the time to practice – while you’re still learning. (You’ll be unstoppable come graduation.)

You’re newly graduated and having some awkward moments.

Like learning to ride a bike, it’s inevitable that you’ll fall a few times. But if coaching awkwardness makes you want to hide from new clients, now’s the time to hone your skills.

You’re an experienced health coach looking to improve client outcomes.

The joy of this work is seeing those big a-ha moments! If you’re walking away from client sessions, wondering if you could have been more impactful, it might be time to add some new skills.

Confidence as a coach typically requires YEARS of experience. But it doesn’t have to…

Want to get there faster?


The only course that combines the art and mechanics of health coaching skills, created by a coach with clients on 6 continents and 15 years of experience.

You’ll see how to run coaching sessions that flow naturally, never feel like hitting a wall…and create one “a-ha moment” for your clients after the next.

(Without overstepping your boundaries or scope of practice.)

Ready to learn the skills you actually need to confidently coach anyone, anywhere, at any time?

Here’s what’s inside:


The skills to become a health coach clients rave about

Pop quiz: What’s your first reaction when a client asks you something you don’t know enough about?

Probably feeling less-than and assuming you need to learn more. Right?

But here’s the thing:

Knowing everything on the planet about health and wellness is impossible. (In fact, knowing too much can even get you into trouble.)

That’s why we’ll show you how to use the knowledge you already have to fill your sessions with “a-ha moments” instead of chasing your next credential.

Inside the course we'll cover:

  • Why having a “teacher mindset” keeps you from making a real impact on your clients’ lives.
  • The core skills you need to develop an intuition for navigating your clients toward their goals and how to back up when leaving your scope of practice.
  • Advanced coaching skills to move the conversation forward when it feels stuck, re-focus when it’s going off the rails and help expand a client’s results beyond their expectations.

The result? You'll walk away proud to be a health coach who can help clients like no one else. Imposter syndrome, bye bye.


My tried-and-true ways to make working with clients a breeze

There’s a lot that goes into running coaching sessions that keep your clients motivated AND give them the feeling of being in the best hands imaginable:

From onboarding and planning your sessions to making sure they have everything to keep the momentum alive after their final session.

But there’s a fine line between a structure that hits the mark and one that’s too rigid to deliver results at all.

That’s why you’ll get my tried-and-true playbook for working with clients the smart way – no more “Darn, I should have asked that weeks ago!”...

This includes:

  • How to structure your onboarding process so you have all the information you need to help your client achieve lasting results.
  • Exactly what to do in your first coaching session – kick things off the right way so your clients can’t wait to implement what they’ll learn.
  • Ways to create flexibility in all your sessions so you can uncover your clients’ real motivation on any given day and steer them toward their goals.
  • What to include in your offboarding process so clients stay motivated, continue improving their health, and provide an excellent case study for your practice.

The result? Smoother process, less anxiety. Relax! You got this.


Your first (or first great) coaching experience

The truth is, you can’t learn to drive in a parked car.

That’s why getting real-life practice is best part of this live cohort experience. In 5 interactive, guided sessions, you'll hone your skills and reflect on common coaching scenarios.

Of course, there’s rarely a “right” way to do it and endless opportunity to develop your own style. That's why this is our favorite part, hands down!

And if you can't make a live session, or feel to shy for the spotlight, you can learn just as much by watching, reflecting and playing along.

The result? Confidence looks good on you! Now watch your clients succeed and refer friends your way.

Here’s what coaches are saying...

After completing this program, you will:

  • Stand tall in your role as a coach, knowing that you can help your clients achieve results beyond their expectations with unshakeable confidence. No more second-guessing yourself!
  • Never get stuck in conversations that lead nowhere because you know how to refocus the “chatty ones” and get the “tough nuts” to open up and tell you more.
  • Possess a skill set that’s far more powerful than interpreting lab tests, diagnosing or prescribing. (No need to get yourself into legal trouble!)
  • Know exactly what to do from the moment a client wants to work with you until your final coaching session.
  • Kiss that imposter syndrome of yours goodbye that’s been holding you back from advertising your services and making a real impact in this world.
  • And maybe, finally, raise your rates. Eh?

Get immediate access today and elevate your confidence in just weeks...



$899 $499



$329 $189

Plus, a sweet bonus package to help you get client results faster...

The Complete Client Onboarding Kit

Your answer to “what the heck do I even do?” Picture this: swipe-files, client forms, assessments and behind-the-scenes tips for you to follow, step-by-step with every new client. ($299 value)

Coaching Practice Sessions

Imagine practicing the entire coaching process, front to back, with our guidance. Watch and learn or reflect and play along with these pre-recorded sessions. ($299 value)

HPU’s Private Online Forum

Never work alone or feel stuck with a client situation. Feedback, answers and camaraderie are just a click away. (Do you really want me to put a price tag on that?!)

Lifetime access to the entire course, the live-call replays and community

Coaching skills are meant to be practiced and refined over time. Lifetime access means you can re-sharpen your coaching axe whenever you like.

And you’ll be backed by our 365-day money back guarantee

Confident Coaching for Health Coaches is a practical, step-by-step guide for health coaches who are excited and COMMITTED to doing good work in the world.

By the end of these 365 days, you’ll have had the opportunity learn and practice your skills BEFORE making a final decision about Confident Coaching for Health Coaches.

But one thing… You have to prove to me that you did the work. And the reason is simple: 

Nothing works if you don't do the work.

People confuse acquiring with accomplishing. They'll buy a program and think they're taking action. But weeks later, after they haven't even logged into the account, they're asking for a refund telling themselves the course was no good.

So here's the deal I'm making with you right now...

I'm promising you the best path to reaching more health coaching clients with less of your time.

But you have skin in the game too. You have to show up and do the work. Otherwise, you'll be wasting both our time.

If you don’t see visible momentum and “I get this now!” excitement...

If you're not looking at your business with a whole new feeling of confidence...

Simply reach out within 365 days, show us you’ve put in the work, and we’ll refund your investment.

Read full details here >>

Your mission is to make the world a healthier, happier place

By the end of this program you’ll have the confidence to offer your services to paying clients and believe deeply in your ability to help them. (And maybe finally raise your rates, eh?)

Have we met?

Hi, I'm Michelle Leotta, a certified health coach who has helped 1000's of clients around the world over 15 years.

When I started out I had absolutely ZERO coaching skills. I muddled through my first several (ok, many) clients by awkwardly following outlines provided by my certification program and not seeing much in the way of results. Over the years I learned through trial and error what kind of conversations made a big impact on my clients lives…and left those generic, boring coaching outlines behind.

I created Confident Coaching for Health Coaches to help you step into your coaching sessions with an inner knowing that YES you can handle any scenario that comes up. I'm going to give you the skills to make a huge difference in your clients’ health (and the world.)

I’m a single mother of 2 boys living in New York and have been featured on ABC, CBS, NPR, at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and Primal Health Coach Institute.

Hi, I'm Katey Caswell. I'm an NBHWC certified health coach and I've been coaching since 2011.

I'm a graduate of both IIN and Precision Nutrition and I've coached over 1000 clients in every imaginable setting – including mentoring new health coaches who were feeling uncertain about their ability to elicit change.

I've joined forces with Michelle because there's never one right way to coach – and we each bring a different style and vibe to our client interactions. Our goal is to help you start feeling more confident in YOUR style so you can also have a successful, fulfilling career as a coach.

I'm excited to be here with Michelle to share what I've learned with you!

Common questions your fellow health coaches asked before signing up…

When does Confident Coaching For Health Coaches start?

Upon enrollment, you’ll get immediate access to all the pre-recorded modules and materials included in this course. Work at your own pace and refer back to the materials anytime.

What if I’m a brand new coach?

Hey, congrats on getting started. If you haven’t been working with clients yet and you’re feeling hesitant about doing the work, you’re definitely in the right place! Inside the course we’ll give you the skills you need to confidently start doing the work.

What if I’ve been coaching for awhile? Will this be too basic?

If your clients aren’t seeing great results, or if sessions feel awkward or draining, these are signs that you may want to take a different approach. Confident Coaching for Health Coaches isn’t based on by-the-book coaching techniques as much as proven, real-life experience so you’re bound to come away with a new perspective and renewed energy about your ability to impact lives through your coaching.

I'm afraid my clients won't get results. What if my coaching program doesn't work?

Inside the course you'll learn how to turn every coaching session into a productive conversation so that your clients get results that go far beyond their expectations. It isn't about having the answers or a protocol – it's about discovering what makes your client tick.

How many CE credits are available?

This course is approved for 6 CE credits through the NBHWC.

Do you cover onboarding and what to do in each session?

Yes and yes. And it sounds like our bonus Complete Client Onboarding Kit will be right up your alley! From what steps to take, in what order, to which forms and payment tools to use...I got you.

What happens after I buy?

After you click on one of the buttons on this page, you’ll be redirected to a checkout where you’re asked for some basic information and payment details.
Once your payment is confirmed, you’ll receive an email that contains everything you need to log in to our HPU’s portal where you have access to all pre-recorded modules, so you can start honing your coaching skills right away.

Will you help if I get stuck?

Yes! You’ll get access to our exclusive HPU community, where 900+ other health coaches are happy to connect, help out or just give you a pat on the back when things don’t go as planned. Plus, my team and I will make sure you get all your questions answered within 24-48 hours (Heads up: expect a personal Loom video from yours truly every now and then.)

Is there a money-back guarantee?

Yes. We offer a 365-day money-back guarantee. Get all the details here >>

Give your confidence a boost! Get started today for just $189.